Saturday, 27 August 2011

how to cure enlarged pores

Enlarged pores

Open pores may develop if you poke pimples  
Enlarged pores develops when your skin starts having difficulty in breathing.If you have very large open pores then curing them with home made tips is very difficult.
When your upper layer of skin peals off,it reveals inner skin which has lesser open pores and youthful than the upper layer that gets peeled off.Chemical peeling is more effective but there are quite high chances of dangers
However any one with open pores can try these simple home made tips:
  Some natural home remedies that helps to cure the problems are-

Lemon: simply apply lemon juice on the open pores and after 20 minutes wash off with cold water.Follow this daily.
Pineapple: pineapple helps to firm your skin.Use pineapple juice just as I told you to use lemon juice.
Tomato juice:tomato juice also helps to tighten pores.Mix tomato juice with lemon juice and apply on affected areas.
Apple cider vinegar:

Many people find this very effective for their open pores.Mix half cup ACV with half cup water.Use this daily twice a day as a toner.Decrease the amount of ACV if
When using any of the above tips,make sure you always apply a good sunscreen when stepping out during day time.The above tips may make your skin hypersensitive to sunlight.So while using them make sure you spend most of your time away from sun rays.
Dehydrated skin is also one of the main cause of open pores.Make sure you drink lots of water daily.Apply a good hydrating cream/gel daily.Or else spray some mineral water on the open pores and apply good lotion containing AHA.
Aged skin looses elasticity which may lead to open pores.
Other causes of open pores are acne,pollution/dirt in the environment.Wash your face twice daily with a good cleanser.Avoid products that clogs pores or causes acne .Scrub your face thrice a week to get rid of deep deep seated dirt or blackheads.

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