Monday, 11 July 2011

Dark circles

Dark circles
  • daily one/twice a day with your ring finger massage almond oil gently on your dark circles.This is an excellent remedy for dark circles.
  • mix aloe vera gel in half cup rose water,soak to cotton pads in it and then keep them an your eyes for about half an hour.This will also relax your eyes.
  •  mix about 6 spoons of rose water and 1 spoon of Castor oil,soak cotton pads in it and apply on your eyes.
  • orange juice also helps to cure dark circles.
  • apply potato paste or potato slices on the dark circles to cure them.
  • mix honey and rose water and gently massage your eyes with it.wash off at least after 2 hours.
  • apply cashew or almond paste on dark circles o cure them.
  • mix olive oil and coconut water and  gently massage your eyes with the mixture using your ring finger.
  • sleep for eight hours and drink seven to eight glasses of water daily. 
  • do not strain your eyes by long hours of  working on computer,reading,etc.If you need to do it for long hours,then after every half an hour close your eyes for about five minutes.